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Share your work

Updated: 2 days ago

Photo by Cindy Liu on Unsplash

I love creating open-ended questions. They provide one with a path without restricting the direction that path may take. Below are some questions I use to guide my decisions:

Who is the greatest obstacle to reaching our goals and dreams?

One of the most important and hardest aspects to apply in our lives is the concept of being 100% responsible for the decisions and actions one has taken. However, this simple yet powerful idea can transform anyone’s life if applied consistently and honestly. We are our own greatest obstacles, no one else.

What is the one thing that can help in achieving my goals?

Sharing your work. That is it. To give you some perspective, in my years of formally studying music (8+), I have only posted one video on YouTube for fear of not being perfect. Just share. The worst that can happen is that some troll will judge you. But in reality, we are our harshest critics. I was able to overcome my fear of not being perfect by releasing nine more videos. Here's a link to my EdgeDevelops YouTube channel.

How do you find the motivation needed to create?

It is not about motivation. It is about taking consistent action despite how motivated we may feel. Action begets action. The main antidote to paralysis caused by our fear of failure is to focus on what is within our control. It is not if we fail; it is when we fail. Having the habits to support recovering from any failure will help a great deal in making sure our momentum is preserved. Creating is fun. Creating is a way of keeping ourselves open to possibilities we would otherwise be blind to. Create when it rains, shines, or someone tries to make you feel less than your worth.

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